- Al Kennedy High School
- Resources
Resources for Homeless Youth
McKinney-Vento Program: Contact Jade Chamness: 541-735-5702 (call/text) or jade.chamness@slane.k12.or.us
Looking Glass, Rural Program: 541-767-3823Drop-in Center: 508 E Whiteaker Ave, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Station 7: 541-689-3111
Eugene Mission: 1542 W 1st Ave Eugene, OR 97402, 541-344-3251Domestic Violence and Support Services
WomenSpace: 24-Hour Help Line: (541) 485-6513 or toll free (800) 281-2800
SASS (Sexual Assault Support Services): Crisis/Support Lines: 1-844-404-7277Child Abuse/ Prevention
Parenting Support Services
541-942-4967Tues/Thurs 8:30 am- 4:30 pm1310 S. 8th Street, Cottage Grove, OR 97424Relief Nursery: 541-600-5312, 720 N 14th St, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
National Parent Help Line: 1-855-427-2736
Housing Support
Homes for Good: Homes for Good is Lane County's hub for affordable, low-income housing and services.
St.Vincent de Paul: Affordable Housing
541-942-21761440 Birch Avenue
P.O. Box 351
Cottage Grove, OR 97424Mental Health/Counseling
South Lane Mental Health: 541-942-3939 1345 Birch Ave. Cottage Grove, OR 97424
National Suicide Prevention Hotline:1-800-273-8255
Hospital/Free Clinic