ALICE Response Protocol
ALICE Response Protocol
The safety and welfare of our students and staff are our highest priority. Throughout the year, all South Lane School District Schools perform various safety drills including fire, bus evacuation, severe weather, building evacuation and lockdown. All schools conduct ALICE drills during which students and staff practice emergency procedures. These procedures are evaluated for improvements after each drill.
To ensure schools are prepared to proactively handle the threat of an intruder or active shooter, all principals and teachers have been trained in ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate). Beginning March 2018, students and staff will participate in ALICE drills together to practice the tools and knowledge to respond and escape in the event of an active shooter.
- What is ALICE and ALICE training?
- What does ALICE stand for? What does each word really mean?
- Are teachers and staff expected to follow ALICE in order? Are you supposed to Alert, then Lockdown, then inform?
- Why is ALICE training being implemented?
- What does it mean to “counter”?
- How will parents be notified if their child’s school is experiencing a real emergency?
- How will we know my child will be safe after the emergency?
- Have school police, administrators, teachers and school staff practiced scenarios and possibilities for an active shooter situation?
- Where can I go for more information about ALICE?
- Since parents do not participate in safety drills they often find themselves curious about drill procedures. How do you recommend parents learn about how drills are conducted?
- How will this be communicated to students in age-appropriate ways?
- Should I talk with my child about the ALICE training in advance?
- Should I talk with my child at home after the training?
- What if my child asks a question about this procedure and I don’t know how to answer it?
- What can I do as a parent, to help my student and family be prepared to respond in case of emergency?