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SLSD Learning Academy Session 1: Feb. 14th and Feb. 21st

SLSD Learning Academy Session 1: Feb. 14th and Feb. 21st

Please read through the information below and sign up for your top choices using the Google form. 

One of the three guiding principles of a Professional Learning Community is a focus on learning. In a school system, that does not just apply to the students, but to the adults as well. This year we are encouraging you to sign up for a session with your Professional Learning Team. We will again be providing sessions focused on our district goals:

3 Goals

By keeping our focus narrow, we aim to do the deep learning, reflecting, and changing that is required to create equitable outcomes for ALL our students. The following courses are intended to help us meet those goals and to be challenging, engaging and productive. 

Professional Learning Sessions

Session 1
February 14th
2:30-4:00 PM

Session 2
February 21st
2:30-4:00 PM

Long Term Goals

The intent of this model is to continue to focus on equitable work on our two district goals. Individual schools will use some of their School Directed Staff Development days to continue work along these themes.