Description of TAG Services
The South Lane School District is committed to a robust educational program that recognizes the unique value, needs and talents of the individual student. We are also committed to the implementation of a district-wide PLT system, whereby every classroom teacher is a part of a Professional Learning Team whose job it is to collaborate around student learning, review data to adjust instruction, and answer the following 4 Critical Questions (1 - what is it we want our students to know and be able to do? 2 - how will we know if each student has learned it? 3 - How will we respond when some students do not or have not learned it yet? 4 - How will we extend the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency?)
Our vision for TAG instruction stems from our commitment to implement this process with fidelity in every school, and every classroom across the South Lane School District; curriculum and instruction designed to meet the level and rate of learning of talented and gifted students is an integral part of this commitment. Utilizing our embedded culture of integrated PLT’s, the South Lane School District prioritizes differentiation in curricula, instruction, and assessment supporting tiered programming and learning opportunities for every student, including students with intellectual or academic exceptionalities. It is the responsibility of school staff to provide classroom and/or instructional opportunities designed to promote educational access and support for talented and gifted students commensurate with their ability. Classroom teachers assess a student’s level and rate in all subject areas and modify the instruction to provide appropriate content challenge and instructional pacing. The building principal and/or school TAG Coordinator is responsible to ensure the PLT process is being implemented with fidelity, oversee the TAG identification process, arrange staff development and family meetings, and act as an on-site resource for gifted education in the school. The South Lane School District TAG Coordinator ensures all buildings are in compliance with ODE mandates, assists in identification procedures, alternative program options, staff development, family meetings and instructional planning to meet students’ needs.
In addition, the South Lane School District is committed to developing and implementing robust SEL support for each learner in every building. Our commitment to our mission and vision requires we ensure all Talented and Gifted students receive appropriate emotional supports and encouragements to help them learn at their highest level, develop their unique talents and abilities, and regulate their emotions. To the best of our abilities, we will work alongside students and families to empower learning and ensure belonging of every TAG student in our district.