South Lane School Board

  • Oregon school districts are governed by locally elected boards. In South Lane School District, there are seven board members, all of whom are volunteers and not paid for their time. Members are elected to four-year terms and must reside in the school district.

    The School Board is the policy-making body of the District.  It is responsible for providing an education program for students in South Lane School District. Its responsibilities include:

    • Employ and evaluate the Superintendent
    • Determine the long range direction and vision of the District 
    • Establish policies that direct instructional and support programs
    • Approve the Annual Budget
    • Call for elections on bond and other funding proposals
    • Ensure that Board policies and priorities are implemented
    • Communicate and engage with the community
    • Advocate for education with local and state leaders
    • Recognize staff and community contributions
    • Approve large contracts and agreements including those with employee groups


Board Members