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Health & Wellness

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2022-2023 School Year

Welcome to South Lane School Districts 2022-2023 school year.  Please click the links below for general information on the start of this school year.

Parent Letter on Health 2022-2023

Parent Letter on Health 2022-2023 Spanish

The Menstrual Dignity Act Implementation in South Lane School District

When To Stay Home

When To Stay Home

Symptom or Illness

May Return To School

Fever: Temperature by mouth greater than 100.4F.

Fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.

Rash: Skin rash or open sores.

Rash is gone, sores are dry or can be completely covered by a bandage, or orders from PCP or school nurse.

Cough: A new cough.

Symptom free for 24 hours. If whooping cough, after 5 days of antibiotics.  If COVID-19, return after orders from the public health authority.

Diarrhea: 3 loose or watery stools in one day or newly not able to control bowel movements. 

Symptom free for 48 hours.


Symptom free for 48 hours.

Headache: with a stiff neck/fever or recent head injury.

Symptom free or orders from PCP or school nurse.

Jaundice: New yellow color in eyes or skin.

After orders from PCP, public health authority or school nurse.

Red eyes or eye discharge: Yellow or brown drainage from eyes.

Symptom free or orders from PCP or school nurse.

Acting different without reason: Usually sleepy or grumpy OR acting different after a head injury.

After normal behavior returns OR with orders from a PCP or school nurse.

Major health events: Like surgery or an illness lasting more than 2 weeks.

After orders from PCP or school nurse.

Head Lice

We recommend following the treatment guidelines from the CDC.  Click HERE for information.