Board Operating Agreement
School Board & Superintendent Operating Agreement
Board Roles & Responsibilities
1. Focus on governance: policymaking, strategic direction and evaluation (curriculum, district performance and superintendent) using the 5 roles of the focus framework (set clear expectations, learn together, create conditions for success, hold the system accountable, and build public will to succeed).
2. Uphold the legal, compliance and confidentiality requirements on all matters arising from board meetings and executive sessions. We will use facts in decision making.
3. Recognize the role of the chair to speak for and about the board to the press and public groups. Recognize the role of the chair to convene meetings, act on points of order, execute documents as appropriate, and develop the agenda with the vice chair and superintendent. It is the board chair's responsibility to respond to group emails sent to the whole board.
4. The board will act as ambassadors to the schools, the community and the district. The board will celebrate successes, support our staff, and use talking points to generate the public will to succeed and engage the community. The superintendent should be notified before a board member visits a school in this official role.
5. The board and superintendent will participate annually in establishing goals and objectives for themselves and the district.
How we operate & make decisions
1. Make decisions as a whole board only at properly called meetings using the best information.
2. Support decisions of the majority. Once a decision is made, members should support the decision of the majority. We will talk positively about South Lane and the board. We will communicate with one voice after the vote.
3. Come prepared, start and end meetings on time, stay engaged (even when we experience discomfort), and follow through with our commitments.
4. Model safe, respectful, and inclusive community; including disagreeing respectfully, listening to other perspectives, and honoring differences.
How we communicate
1. Communicate directly with the superintendent or designees when information is needed, or a question arises. Specific questions concerning information contained in the board packet may be addressed to the person providing the information.
2. Follow the chain of command such that inquiries, issues, concerns or complaints are directed to the superintendent or the appropriate staff member who is best suited to address the issue.
3. Be mindful that you represent the board in public and that no individual board member has the authority to speak for the board.
4. Board members will communicate with one another should an issue or problem develop between them.
5. Share our beliefs & values, understand that can change, and allow everyone to learn. Sometimes we will need to accept non-closure.