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Meal Account Access

Hello Families, Friends and Foodies, 

Thank you for honoring our hard-working staff by choosing one of our many school cafeterias as your meal choice!

Meal Benefit Applications

Even though South Lane now qualifies all students as free, we still need EVERY FAMILY to COMPLETE AN APPLICATION! The data provided in the application is used as a statistical reference for all kinds of grants and benefits for the district and your students. The application is quick and confidential and we really appreciate your assistance in keeping our district FREE!

Apply for Free & Reduced Meals HERE!

Meal Application PDF

Spanish Application PDF

Adults - Parents, Teachers, Staff and non-students who would like to eat with us, please set up meal account

Click HERE to set up a meal account 

For more information on how to set-up or make a payment on your meal account, please contact your cafeteria or Jordan Graham at the District Office 541-942-3381, x124