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English Language Development (ELD)

English Language Development 

South Lane School District’s English Language Development (ELD) Program works to provide English learners with the opportunity to gain fluency in academic English.  The district strives to remove barriers and provide access to rigorous instruction for all students.  Staff work to help students develop a proficient level of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills so that they can fully participate in all academic content areas and reach the high academic standards required for high school graduation and college- and career-readiness.

Students learn English grammar and vocabulary through research-based instructional approaches delivered at our magnet schools, Bohemia Elementary School, Lincoln Middle School and Cottage Grove High School.  All instruction is based on the English Language Proficiency standards developed by the state of Oregon.

Students receive English instruction in the following settings:

  • ELD Pullout: grades K – 5
  • ELD Class Period: grades 6 – 12
  • Comprehensible instruction provided throughout the day using “sheltered English” techniques. This instruction is designed to help students develop English skills while learning academic content.

The ELD Program staff also provide interpretation and translation services for parents as needed.

Please see our district ELL Handbook for more information about the program.

Contact Us

Michele Hilton
ELL Teacher
Maestra del Programa del Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés

Lynne Blanchard
ELL Teacher
Maestra del Programa del Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés

Sarah Thompson
ELL Teacher
Maestra del Programa del Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés

Aurora Centeno
ELL Educational Assistant
Asistente Educacional del Programa del Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés

Lucia Cervantes
ELL Educational Assistant
Asistente Educacional del Programa del Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés